A series of original watercolors by Jean Patiky 

Finding Peace in Painting through the pandemic 

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In mid-March nature was already starting to do its thing. As I watched the tiny new leaves  appear and unfurl on the trees outside my loft window, the baby buds were beginning to burst  into every shade of pink. I realized that this spring would be different. This year my experience  would be behind glass. I decided to document the weekly majesty of our urban garden and  paint the colorful weekly gifts of nature’s bounty. The first colors to show up were the  pinks…flowering trees and the pink carpet of fallen blossoms of our courtyard. Daffodils followed, then the tulips, the irises, the rhododendrons, the hydrangeas and the daylilies.


Before a painting session, I would grab my mask, vault down four flights of our back staircase to  pick a small bouquet and race back up to my studio with this week’s gifts of glorious color. I  would paint daily from this arrangement until the next ones magically appeared. My colors on  my palette changed weekly depending on the blooms of the week. 

These brilliant blossoms which inspired my paintings, gave me so much pleasure and peace  during this pandemic. I am grateful to the talented landscape architects who had the vision to design our lush urban garden so that all the residents can all enjoy varied and continuous color in every season of the year.


Freshly painted, I would photograph my painting of the day and post it on Facebook and  Instagram. Within seconds I would receive responses with words of gratitude for sharing my  art and for helping to spread the joy of a home-delivered daily bouquet during these  challenging times. Nature doesn’t know it’s a pandemic and carries on in all of its glory. 

Thank you, Mother Nature!
Your resilience and brilliance haVE revived my spirit.